Sunday, February 4, 2007


I looked up SMAP on wikipedia, just because I was curious. The groups members are in their mid-30's now, which surprised me. Western boy bands never last that long (not that I'm complaining). Plus, Sato-sensei didn't seem to have much confidence in their singing abilities. Oh, well - they must be doing something right...


satoza said...

I know.... they are more like my age (but they look

Have you ever heard of their song? せかいにひとつだけのはな(the only flower in the world) is a good song.... If you are interested, I have the CD...

Satomi said...

わたしは せんしゅうの かようびの じゅぎょうに いた TAです。

I like SMAP and their song. their lyrics really impress me. What I like the most is..

『せかいに ひとつ だけの はな』
(さとうせんせいmentioned it too)

but I also like
『Dear Woman』
『らいおん ハート』

Whenever I go to Karaoke, I sing their song^^
oh... I miss to sing『せかいに ひとつ だけの はな』 playing the piano though I guess I can't play it any more...

Agu said...

I don't know much about japanese music, so I would be interesting to hear something from SMAP. Sato-sensei didn't seem to be very impressed by their singing, though (but it sounds like satomi-san is a fan!). Maybe if you have other CD's...

satoza said...

I have せかいにひとつだけのはな. Do you want to listen?

Satomi said...

ききたかったらCDに やくので さとうせんせいに いってください。