Monday, February 19, 2007


Unfortunately I don't have much to write about this week soo I'm just going to talk about food. It's definitely more fun than talking about midterms and papers anyway...

I discovered a little Japanese restaurant close to campus a couple of weeks ago, but I've only been back once since then. I had forgotten how much I love Japanese food! I had the most amazing chicken and avocado salad ever. We haven't learnt much food vocabulary yet, so I don't know how to say that in Japanese. I think chicken is "toriniku," but I could have made that up. I figure names of foods in Japanese are useful things to know, especially if I plan to eat at Japanese restaurants more often. I can imagine myself trying to translate the menu, even if everything is already translated for me. It's always fun to try it yourself and see how close (or far) you get to actually figuring out what you're about to order.

I figure I should try to type in hiragana as much as I can, but I had a little trouble figuring out how to set my computer to hiragana. I'll work on it again this weekend when I have time...


asai said...


Yes, chicken is とりにく。でも、チキンバーガーやチキンサラダなど、"チキン"でもつうじますよ。

Unknown said...


corinne said...

what restaurant? is it shouji? cuz they're pretty good, おいしい

Agu said...

It was "Saji's," on 109th (or maybe 108th). There's pretty good, too, I gotta say...